Do you know that?
Every time you assemble a new miniature,
This round disc is waiting for you at the end...
After the exhilaration of assembling it... the base now demands your attention. A quick bit of sand here, a few coarse stones there, maybe a few leftovers from the bitzbox... Is it okay? Not at all...
What was planned as an adventurous battlefield... quickly looks like the floor in a child's room. What is supposed to represent the rugged surface of a planet looks like a football field.
A life-threatening desert like a sandbox...
All that's missing is the sand toy...
Stop it! K34 can help you!
K34 Tabletop Bases: Battlefield instead of a sandbox!
Clothes make the man…. and the base the miniature! A fantastically designed miniature is only part of the magic. The associated base is the other part. It's the stage that decides whether your miniature is looking for his after-work slippers... or literally hears the grenades hitting next to him.

From inspiration to mission...
Can you remember the time when “Goblin Green”, with some grainy sand, was “state-of-the-art” in tabletop? When the internet was nowhere near what we know it today and the box art for our beloved miniatures, as well as White Dwarf magazine, represented the highest art of painting? Do you still have your very first miniature? Which was it and what progress have you made since that day?

Well... I'm lucky to still have one of these. It is a Space Marine from the Blood Angels from the basic box for the third edition. That was 1995...
Far away, like the stars from the universe of 40K, my ideas about color, quality and dramaturgy when painting and designing were extremely limited.

In 2002 I painted the last Space Marine to date (another Blood Angel), and although it wasn't immediately noticeable in bulk, my level of painting had definitely improved. What remained the same? BINGO! …it was the bases…. (OK, I don't want to hide the now black border here...)

With the release of the fifth edition and a new Eldar army, the evolution of base design also reached my miniatures. After an estimated 450 painted figures in previous years, it was time to adapt the bases to the standard. For the first time I used sand and small stones...
Abstinence and return
Looking back, what followed can be defined as an ascetic pause...
With the exception of a few very few models, the newly started Eldar never left the initial stage. Studying as a designer took me deep into the world of photography and design and left the tabletop hobby gathering dust in boxes. For ten years I didn't hold a brush or a miniature in my hand. But not forever and ever...

At the end of 2014 the time had come...
“The Horus Heresy” finally brought me back into the tabletop. I ordered some figures through Forge World and collected lots of pictures and information on the web. I immediately started with an airbrush and painted the first miniatures after a break of over 10 years at a level that I had never dared to dream of...
And yes, anyone who has read this far can hardly imagine it... with these miniatures the bases finally received the appropriate dedication and attention.

I have now developed a real obsession with designing bases.
What happened? To be honest, I can't say exactly... and unraveling this question would probably scare away even the most hard-core reader.
Only that much …
In the end, I remained true to design in many facets both professionally and privately, and during my abstinence I created a foundation on which K34 thrives today.
At the end of 2019, a rediscovered hobby gave rise to the desire to seek a career change. So we would have arrived in today...
I ask you …
Do you also want more sophisticated bases for your beloved miniatures?
To give every figure, no matter how simple it is, its own piece of history?
Do you lack the time , resources and know-how to design bases yourself that meet your needs?
Are the ready-made bases from other manufacturers too unimaginative and interchangeable for you ?
Let K34 be the answer to your questions and...
Equip your miniatures with bases that take them to a new level
Give each character and each army an individual piece of dramaturgy
Save yourself the effort and use individual sets as well as entire, cost-effective bundles
Use the range of bases and tutorials to get the most out of your beloved miniatures.
Make your opponents look old
before the dice fall!
... and what does K34 mean?
Now let me clarify this last question...
K34 was not the first name for the “Base Project Deluxe!”
As we progressed, the name changed. While in the first few months it was simply “the project”... the first attempts to give it a name appeared in 2020. “Lovely Traitor” was the working title for a certain period of time under which the project took shape.
I confess… I have a heart for villains.

With the business registration in 2022 and the establishment of the legal framework, the question of the final designation came to the fore.
Like every idea, “K34” first came about in the head.
But since it is a physical product, the “Base Project Deluxe!” had to see the light of day somewhere.

But since it is a physical product, the “Base Project Deluxe!” had to see the light of day somewhere.
I was lucky enough to be able to give the first steps of this project a jump start in a basement room at my workplace. When I was thinking about the name, I thought of the name of this room... and so I finally named the Base project after the place where it was born. The “K34”.